• Let’s Share to Others in Ramadhan

    20 June 2015, 11:18 WIB

    JAKARTA - To raise awareness and solidarity for others, KORAN SINDO and sindonews.com collaboration with BNI Syariah, Askar Kauny, Cinta Quran, and Dompet Dhuafa held "Jejak Sajadah Ramadhan 1436 H" in the Sunda Kelapa Mosque, Menteng, Central Jakarta on Friday (19 / 06).

    This event successfully held with a variety of inspiring activities such as talk shows, tutorials hijab and delivery of 138 braille Al-Qurans by BNI Syariah to blind people. In addition, there was also be given donation for orphans and tutor. Through this event, public was reminded to charity in Ramadan through tausiyah by Ustad Nasir Bachtiar.

    The event also included a series of BNI Syariah 5th anniversary. Director of BNI Syariah, Dinno Indiano hopes BNI Syariah will be able to continue to contribute and promote sharia economy in Indonesia. Meanwhile, KORAN SINDO and sindonews.com appreciated those who have supported Jejak Sajadah Ramadhan 1436 H by providing charter presented by Pung Purwanto, Chief Editor of KORAN SINDO and sindonews.com.

    (Gaby Oksavira)